세계적인 판매망을 확보하고 있는 일본OSG와 합작을 통해 기술교류를 해오고 있으며, 그 품질을 인정받아 동남아 및 일본에 우리 상품을 수출하고 있습니다. 세계 속의 한국OSG라는 자부심을 가지고 급변하는 국제화 시대에 적극 대처해 가고 있습니다.
- 1Spain
- 2U.K
- 3Switzerland
- 4Germany
- 5Italy
- 6Denmark
- 7Norway
- 8Sweden
- 9Finland
- 10South Africa
- 11Austria
- 12Greece
- 13Turkey
- 14Israel
- 15Pakistan
- 16India
- 17Trailand
- 18Malaysia
- 19Singapore
- 20Indonesia
- 21Hong Kong
- 22Australia
- 23New Zealand
- 24U.S.A (Los Angeles)
- 25U.S.A (Chicago)
- 26Canada
- 27U.S.A (New York)
- 28Brazil (Sao Paulo)
1일본 OSG (주) 본사 본사공장 (Headquarters)
- Location : 3-22 Honnogahara, Toyokawa-City, Aichi 442-8543, Japan
- TEL : (81)533-82-1111
- FAX : (81)533-82-1131
2일본 OSG (주) 신성공장 (ENDMILL 공장) (Shinshiro Factory)
High-speed Steel Drills, High-speed Steel End Mills
- Location : 1-2 Maruyama, Arumi, Shinshiro-City, Aichi 441-1317, Japan
- TEL : (81)536-25-1311
- FAX : (81)536-25-1310
- Homepage : www.osg.co.jp
3USA (OSG USA, Inc. (Headquarters))
- Location : 1945 West Walnut Hill Lane Irving, TX 75038, U.S.A.
- TEL : (1)800-837-2223
- FAX : (1)800-837-3334
- Homepage : http://www.osgtool.com
- E-mail : info@osgtool.com
※ This company is the headquarters of North America.
4Belgium (OSG Europe Logistics S.A.)
- Location : Avenue Lavoisier 1, B-1300 Z.I. Wavre-Nord, Belgium
- TEL : (32)10-230511
- FAX : (32)10-230531
- Homepage : https://eu.osgeurope.com
- E-mail : info@osgeurope.com
※ This company is the headquarters of Europe.
5China (OSG (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Headquarter))
- Location : 1003-1007, 10F, T1, Raffles City, 1133 Changning Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, CHINA, 200051
- TEL : (86) 21-5888-6600(103)
- FAX : (86) 21-5888-3300
- Homepage : http://www.chinaosg.com
6OSG (Chingtao) Co., Ltd.
- TEL : 0532-8502-2586
- FAX : 0532-8502-2583